Monday, September 16, 2019

I have hope of getting pictures on this blog soon, am halfway there.
I also want to do that thing for everyone so they can see me?  Whatever it is.

Well another week has gone by. Loved the weather. Made home made applesauce for a great granddaughter. Cleaned (A little ) in my sewing room. I m having a hard time finishing a baby quilt.
I need a switch to my back side I guess. My brothers used to get that when they drove my mother crazy. Me? you say? I was the only girl with 7 brothers, no not spoiled, I was brought up cooking cleaning  etc. No time to get in trouble.

Ever have one of those bad days? Aching or just plain old depressed? Both those come with old age I think. Had one this weekend, just could not get thru the day, spent couple hours in bed reading.
But next day was up and at 'em again. I think we all have to have a bad day once in a while in order to appreciate the good days.

Am cutting 2.5 " squares for a Halloween table topper. Its slow going for me for some reason.
Not good at picking out material, always second guessing myself. Well may try to get my trusty friend to post it here when done.

And how has your day/ week gone? Good or bad it is gone and a new week begins.

Bye for now...………...


  1. There are some days that the motivation is just not there. I was up at 5 out the door by 8 went to the LQS picked up my BOM, grocery store, laundry. Need to get my sewjo on.

  2. Halloween table topper? Oooo please share
    I have tons of 2.5 squares .
