Friday, September 13, 2019

Good morning...…….on this 42 degree morning in Taunton, Ma. Temperature due to go up to 66 degrees. I am NOT gonna put the heat on! Socks, sweatshirts, flannel pants are the dress of the day.
I love sewing, but this week haven't done much. We have been busy with errands and just plain old housework. I do have a couple mug rugs planned and a baby quilt to put together this weekend.
I have hopes of posting some pictures this weekend.
This time of the year I am getting ready to make Apple Butter and some apple sauce. One of my Great grand daughters loves the apple butter, but I have to make small jars and dish them out here and there. The sugar you know!  I also usually make Jewish Apple Cake for the family. It is an old recipe my mother got from someone she worked with back in the 80"s. It may now be floating around in the internet, will have to look it up. No grape jelly this year son,s grape arbor just didn't produce this year...……….Well that is my Friday"What am I doing" tale. Have a nice weekend!


  1. You sound very busy. Brrr that is a wee bit chilly for me yet. I still have a pool to finish cleaning and close. But T storms again today. :( Cleaning house after the parents departure and getting things back into order.

  2. Brrrr. My fingers are blue typing lol.
    Warming up with tea.....
    Hope to see you this weekend
